Dulanda is a Mirning name and word for penguin place and shelter. Djooli, little blue penguins, come here to rear their young and teach them to strengthen their bodies for the long journeys to hunt and survive.
Djulea is the big Emperor penguin who was marked by the fire of Jeedara when in his anger with Yargaryilya, the Seven Sisters he blew sparks of fire from his double spout. The penguin’s feathers were burnt under his neck and chest and still today carries the fiery red and yellow colours and black where his feathers shrivelled up small and burnt. Jeedara assured him that this would keep him warm when he travels to the warm places on Earth.
Djooli, the little blue penguin was also a companion of Jeedara, though was not burnt. He still comes and goes and lives at Dulanda shelter cave, which is a resting place and their womwoum, home. But Djulea, the big penguin, only returns once in a blue moon to remember what he was given in life.